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Sunday 9th June 2024 Group 1 (3 points) v's Group 6 (5 Points) (Wivenhoe BC)
Grahame Walkingshaw David Jones
Peter Pushman Brett Moorhouse
Paul Hills Darren Allen
Graham Brooks Andy Evans
Rink Scores: 23:21 Rink Scores: 13:20
Trevor Baxter Roger Holmes
Brian Hopkins Tony Hatley
Mark Brown Peter Clench
Phil Armstrong Ian Norman
Rink Scores: 19:20 Rink Scores: 18:18
Shot of the Day - 2 shots in this case - the two bowls drawn by Peter Pushman with the score sitting at 20-20 on the last end. Both bowls stayed where they were to win by 2 shots on rink.
Reserves: Mel Padmore & John Moorhouse
Sunday 16th June 2024 Group 5 (0) v's (8) Group 1 (Hainault B.C.)
Grahame Walkingshaw David Jones Peter Pushman John Moorhouse Paul Hills Darren Allen Graham Brooks Andy Evans
Rink Score: 23:11 Rink Score: 19:16
Trevor Baxter Mal Padmore
Brian Hopkins Tony Hatley Mark Brown Peter Clench Phil Armstrong Ian Norman
Rink Score: 26:16 Rink Score: 33:10
Score of the Day: Big Phil's rink - 15-12 down and they recorded a score of 7 shots to turn the game around and record a comfortable win. (matched by Ian Norman's rink who also picked up a 7 when 8-7 ahead).
Sunday 23rd June 2024 Group 1 (4 points) v's Group 2 (4 points)(Wivenhoe BC)
Grahame Walkingshaw Roger Holmes Peter Pushman Brett Moorhouse Paul Hills Darren Allen Graham Brooks Andy Evans
Rink Score: 27:17 Rink Score: 18-26 Trevor Baxter Brian Hopkins Mel Padmore Tony Hatley Mark Brown Peter Clench Phil Armstrong Ian Norman
Rink Score: 22-15 Rink Score: 13:21
Shot of the Day: Mark Brown - score at 10-10 and one shot down - drew to rest on the jack and turn the match around.
Reserves: David Jones & John Moorhouse
Final Table:
Group 6 - 15 points
Group 1 - 14 Points
Group 2 - 13 Points
Group 5 - 4 Points
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